Prof. Corman Wittes speaks at COP28

Farm Journal Foundation
December 6, 2023

Prof. Roda featured on the 'Sounding Jewish' podcast

Sounding Jewish
December 1, 2023

"What does Jewish identity sound like, and why have scholars from around the world devoted their careers to studying it? The Sounding Jewish Podcast features host Dr. Samantha M. Cooper in conversation with global musicologists, ethnomusicologists and sound studies scholars who specialize in the music and sound of Jewish experience. Each episode highlights a guest’s area(s) of academic interest, preferred research methodologies, and decision to study music and sound. Our goal is to better understand what it means to be a twenty-first century Jewish music studies scholar.

The second episode of Season 2 of The Sounding Jewish Podcast features Dr. Jessica Roda. We discuss her forthcoming book about Ultra Orthodox Hasidic and Litvish female artists from New York and Montreal, as well as her new project on music, spirituality and healing in Orthodox Jewish circles."

Prof. Fainberg leads charge to establish ELNET Task Force to expose Hamas crimes

The Jerusalem Post
November 21, 2023

ELNET, the European Leadership Network NGO dedicated to strengthening Europe-Israel relations based on shared democratic values and strategic interests, has announced the creation of an initiative to expose the truths about the atrocities that Hamas committed on October 7 as crimes against humanity.

As a first step, numerous figures in France, led by ELNET-Israel board member Dr. Sarah Fainberg, signed an op-ed published in Le Monde and signed by 47 leading French intellectuals urging Hamas’s massacre to be recognized as crimes against humanity.

Amb. Ross interviews with Jewish News: A three-point plan to rid Gaza of Hamas

Jewish News UK
November 13, 2023

America’s most experienced Middle East diplomat, Ambassador Dennis Ross, says Israel has “an excruciating dilemma” in its war with Hamas. But he told Jewish News that although he is firmly against a ceasefire because he believes Hamas will only use the opportunity to regroup and rearm, nevertheless he thinks there are steps Israel can take to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.