Viewpoint: State of the Union 2019

American Enterprise Institute
February 4, 2019

Danielle Pletka, a CJC Visiting Lecturer, discusses in a video from the American Enterprise Institute the 2019 State of the Union Address with colleague Marc Thiessen.

Elliott Abrams, prominent D.C. neocon, named special envoy for Venezuela

January 25, 2019 | Washington, DC

Elliott Abrams, a Senior Fellow at the Center for Jewish Civilization, has been named as the Special Envoy to Venezuela. Mr. Abrams has served on the Reagan and Bush administrations and has held a number of positions at the State Department.

Holocaust Exhibit at BJCC Draws Over 2,000 Visitors

Boulder Jewish News
January 24, 2019 | Washington, DC

Yahad-In Unum's exhibition on the Holocaust by Bullets, organized in conjunction with the Boulder JCC and the Yahad Colorado Committee, drew large numbers of visitors in an effort to educate and advocate about the Holocaust.

Jewish Insider's Daily Kickoff

The Times of Israel
January 2, 2019 | Washington, DC

CJC Adjunct Professor Moran Stern comments on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's indictment and the implications of the investigation.

Podcast: Dennis Ross' Geo-Political Predictions for 2019

Jewish Journal
January 1, 2019 | Washington, DC

Ambassador Dennis Ross speaks with Shmuel Rosner on "Rosner's Domain" about the events that could shape 2019.

Podcast: Danielle Pletka on Trump’s Syria Withdrawal and Mattis’ Resignation

Roughly Explained
December 28, 2018 | Washington, DC

CJC's Visiting Lecturer and foreign policy expert Danielle Pletka speaks with Taylor Griffin (Roughly Explained, Editor) about U.S. military policy in Syria and the resignation of General James Mattis as Secretary of Defense.

America’s Middle East Purgatory

Foreign Affairs
December 18, 2018 | Washington, DC

Tamara Cofman-Wittes, alongside co-author Mara Karlin, argues a foreign policy position in which the U.S. reduces its role in the Middle East through longer-term strategizing.

Viktor Orbán Is Exploiting Anti-Semitism

The Atlantic
December 14, 2018 | Washington, DC

Ira Forman, Senior Adviser for Combatting Anti-Semitism at Human Rights First and Assistant Director for Jewish Civilization at Georgetown University, writes on Hungary's Viktor Orban, the latest authoritarian leader to tap hatred for political gain.

Israeli Op Seeks to Destroy Border Tunnels, May Get Bigger If Hezbollah Reacts

Sputnik News
December 5, 2018 | Sputnik News

CJC Adjunct Lecturer Moran Stern appears in Sputnik News for an analysis on transboundary tunnels dug by the Lebanese Hezbollah and the new "Northern Shield" Operation.

‘People Are Ready to Die or Go to Jail in Order to Kill Jews Today,’ Warns Fr. Patrick Desbois

The Algemeiner
November 29, 2018 | Washington, DC

Fr. Patrick Desbois speaks to The Algemeiner about his work in Holocaust studies, modern day antisemitism, and why studying the past is integral for understanding contemporary acts of violence against the Jewish community.